Kenya Donations
Dear Parents, We would like to make you aware that, Deputy Head Teacher of Phoenix, Angela Kelly, will be travelling to Kenya on behalf of PCC. She will be going to visit one of the projects that we support over there during this coming February Half Term. They run a school, orphanage, and a feeding programme, which has grown tremendously over the recent years. She has been before and is really excited to see the growth that has taken place since. They have requested two things from us; Electrical Gadgets and Clothes. They can really make use of our old mobile phones or gadgets like iPads and tablets. Chargers are not necessary. They recycle the items locally and the project then benefits from the money for the liquids found within them. Also, any clothes that you would like to donate would be very much appreciated. We have 60kg of weight that we have available to use, which would greatly benefit the project. If you could assist us with any of the above, we would really appreciate all that you have to offer. Could I please request that all items are donated by Thursday 13th February. Thank you for your help in advance, Angela Kelly